
Tutorials given at conferences:

Tutorial at PPoPP 2014: Programming Distributed Algorithms

Tutorial at SPLASH 2014: Programming Distributed Algorithms

Tutorial at PODC 2017: High-Level Specification of Distributed Algorithms (slides)

Tutorial at PODC 2019: From Classical to Blockchain Consensus: What are the Exact Algorithms? (slides)

Tutorial at RV 2020: Assurance of Distributed Algorithms and Systems: Runtime Checking of Safety and Liveness (slides, with a demo in video, code, tutorial paper)

Tutorial at PLDI 2023 (cross-listed at PODC 23): High-Level Executable Specification and Reasoning for Improving Distributed Algorithms (slides)

Tutorial at ICDCS 2024: Consensus Algorithms from Classical To Blockchain: Quickly Program, Configure, Run, and Check (slides and programs will be provided)

Additional write-ups are yet to be provided.

Please refer to the following papers for now:

From Clarity to Efficiency for Distributed Algorithms (OOPSLA 2012)

(DistAlgo language, compilation, optimization, implementation, and experiments with a dozen examples)

High-Level Executable Specifications of Distributed Algorithms (SSS 2012)

(Methods for writing high-level specifications, with parts of multi-Paxos as a main example)

From Clarity to Efficiency for Distributed Algorithms (arXiv 2014, revised 2017, TOPLAS 39(3) 2017)

(Extended description of DistAlgo language and optimization method, with a formal operational semantics)

Moderately Complex Paxos Made Simple: High-Level Specification of Distributed Algorithms (arXiv 2017, PPDP 2019)

(Basic Paxos and Multi-Paxos algorithms for distributed consensus written at a high level in DistAlgo, code, video for PODC 2021 on liveness studied in a separate paper)

Lamport's distributed mutual exclusion algorithm in DistAlgo

Lamport's distributed mutual exclusion algorithm in DistAlgo